POS App Release: 5.54.0
Deposits have come to SALIDO! You can now schedule checks, tender credit card deposits, create new charges and issue refunds against those deposits, and report on all of it!
- Schedule a Check
- Unschedule a Check
- Add a Credit Card Deposit to a Scheduled Check
- Update Deposit amount with a Charge or Refund
- Deposit Reporting
Full walkthrough here!
Bridge Setup Instructions
Order Types
- Navigate to Order Type Section on the SALIDO Bridge under the Settings Category.
- Toggle the "Can Be Scheduled" setting to true for all Order Types you wish to schedule deposits with
The Order Type must have Scheduling enabled in order to create a Deposit check with that Order Type.

Bridge Setup Instructions
Role Permissions
- Navigate to Roles Section on the SALIDO Bridge under the Employees Category.
- Under the role permissions section in the bridge select edit or create a role.
- Stay in the POS permissions section navigate to the Checks subsection and locate Schedule Checks
Definition: The user will be able to schedule checks

- Navigate to Roles Section on the SALIDO Bridge under the Employees Category.
- Under the role permissions section in the bridge select edit or create a role.
- Stay in the POS permissions section navigate to the Checks subsection and locate "Unschedule Checks"
Definition: The user is able to unschedule checks

- Navigate to Roles Section on the SALIDO Bridge under the Employees Category.
- Under the role permissions section in the bridge select edit or create a role.
- Stay in the POS permissions section navigate to the Checks subsection and locate "Create Deposits"
Definition: The user can tender payment on Scheduled check (i.e. Create Deposits)

- Navigate to Roles Section on the SALIDO Bridge under the Employees Category.
- Under the role permissions section in the bridge select edit or create a role.
- Stay in the POS permissions section navigate to the Checks subsection and locate "POS Create Credits and Charges"
Definition: The user can access and use the Deposit Detail workflows to charge, refund, and allocate tips

Deposit Support
If you need any help setting up deposits please Let us know!