Locations enrolled in the Cash Discount Program may offer guests a lower price if they choose to pay in Cash. The Cash Discount percentage is defined in the Cash Payment Method and applied to entire checks. A separate line item indicating the Cash Total will be reflected on printed all Guest Receipts.
Please be advised that changes to Payment Methods impact every Location in an Organization. Always check with ownership and senior management within your Team before making changes that impact other businesses.
- The entire balance of a check must be paid with the Cash Payment Method for the Cash Discount Program to be applied. Adding a partial Cash Payment will automatically remove the Cash Discount.
- Permitted Cash Discount percentages are defined in the merchant agreement with the payment processing agent. Please consult with an Account Manager before enabling settings for the Cash Discount Program.
- Statutes vary by state and municipality. Please ensure the Cash Discount Program is permitted by law before applying.
- The Cash Discount Program reports as a line item alongside other Discounts on both POS and Bridge reports.
Setup for the Cash Discount Program
Cash Discount Workflow
Adding a Cash Payment in an Amount Less than the Balance Due
Example Guest Receipts
Cash Discount Program Disabled | Cash Discount Program Enabled (4%) |
Example POS and Bridge Reports
POS Daily Detail | Bridge Discount Summary |