Locations leveraging the MagTek iDynamo6, iDynamo 5, eDynamo, BBPOS cards readers can enable Cardholder as Display Name (if Label is blank) to populate the Guest Label field with the cardholder name from a credit card transaction if there is not already a user-defined Guest Label in the field. Combine with Show Check Identifier to reflect this information on Guest Receipts.
Use the links below to jump to specific areas, or read from top to bottom and use the links within each section to navigate between areas:
- Enable Cardholder as Display Name
- Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (MagTek iDynamo6)
- Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (MagTek iDynamo5 and eDynamo)
- Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (BBPOS)
Enable Cardholder as Display Name (return to top)
Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (MagTek iDynamo6) (return to top)
Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (MagTek iDynamo5 and eDynamo) (return to top)
Cardholder as Display Name Workflow (BBPOS) (return to top)