Quick Close automatically closes a check when a single Credit Card payment is authorized for the total Balance Due. Checks with split credit card payments or other Payment Methods must still be closed manually.
Quick Close is often combined with Quick Service Workflow.
Enable Quick Close
- Select Settings from the SALIDO Bridge Main Menu and select Preference Profiles from the dropdown
- Select a Preference Profile
- Select Card Payments
- Toggle ON Enable Quick Close
- Select Save
Quick Close Workflow - Authorize Credit Card and Close Check
- Open a check and Dip, Tap, or Swipe a credit card
- Select Authorize and Close Check
- If Digital Signature is enabled, rotate or flip the Terminal display to be Guest-facing and complete the Digital Signature Workflow, then
Select New Order
- If Digital Signature is NOT enabled, Select Close
Quick Close Workflow - Split with other Payment Methods
- Open a check and Dip, Tap, or Swipe a credit card
- Select Split with other payment methods
- Add additional Cash, Credit Card, Gift Card, or Other Payment(s) as necessary
- Select Close Check when the Balance Due is reduced to zero