The SALIDO Reporting Platform—often referred to as simply Reports or Reports 2.0—is based around templated reports that can be customized to suit the needs of any Organization.
First, Select a Report
Then, use the five (5) basic Reports Controls to customize the data presentation:
- Use Time Controls to adjust the timeframe of any report to include desired dates.
- Use Location Controls to limit the scope of a report to specific Brands, Locations, or Revenue Centers.
- Use Row Controls to change how report data is sorted and grouped.
- Use Column Controls to manipulate the data that appears in the columns of a report. Add or remove relevant data points and compare related datasets based on a specific metric.
- Use Data Filters to selectively filter for specific subsets of data and select the timestamp used to assign data to the report.
See the chart at the bottom of the page for a full list of Report Templates and Details to help choose the right report as a starting point!
Additional Reading
Select a Report (return to top)
Report Templates, Details, and Data Types (return to top)
Reports come in either a Summary or Detail style.
Summary reports combine data to output Metrics. Metrics show aggregate totals, percentages, and averages of the data. Detail reports output values in the database as Attributes, but do not sum data.
Report cover three basic types of data—Accounting, Sales Performance, and Labor—and represent four discrete data types—Checks, Payments, Check Items, Banks, and Shifts.
Name | Description | Style | Category | Data Types | Default Timestamp |
Payment Detail | This report shows the details of all payments row by row along with payment level information such as tender info, check info, payment info and gateway info. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and payment details. | Detail | Accounting | Checks Payments |
Tendered At |
Credit Card Batches | Use this to view an aggregated summary of payments made by batch and summarized by payment method. You will see the total number, net sales dollar amount, and percentage of total column by column. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and payment details. | Summary | Accounting | Payments | Batch > Opened At |
Payments by Employee | Use this to view an aggregated summary of payments by employee. You will see the total payment amount for each payment method, pre-tip and post tip. It can be refined and filtered by location, time and payment details. | Summary | Accounting | Payments | Check > Closed At |
Payment Summary | Use this to view an aggregated summary of payments summarized by payment method. You will see the total payment amount for each payment method, pre-tip and post tip. It can be refined and filtered by location, time and payment details. | Summary | Accounting | Payments | n/a |
Voided Checks | This report shows the details of all voided checks row by row along with check level information such as time open, owner, total amount, and tip amount. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and check details. | Detail | Accounting | Checks Payments |
Check > Voided At |
Open Checks | This report shows the details of all open checks row by row along with check level information such as time open, owner, total amount, and tip amount. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and check details. | Detail | Accounting | Checks Payments |
Check > Opened At |
Closed Checks | This report shows the details of all closed checks row by row along with check level information such as time open, owner, total amount, and tip amount. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and check details. | Detail | Accounting | Checks Payments |
Check > Closed At |
Banks Detail | This report shows a detailed view of banks. This includes information such as Ref #, POS Terminal, Closed By, and Under/Over. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and bank level details. | Detail | Accounting | Banks | Closed At |
Banks Summary | This report shows a summary of yesterdays banks. This includes information such as summed up opening amounts, closed amounts, cash received, expected vs actual, and over/under. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and filtered by bank level details. | Summary | Accounting | Banks | Closed At |
Accounting Summary | A summary of accounting data | Summary | Accounting | Checks Check Items Payments |
Check > Closed At |
Bank Transaction Detail | This report shows every transaction at your banks row by row along with information such as who made the transaction, the transaction type, any description, and date and amount data. | Detail | Accounting | Banks Bank Transactions |
Closed At |
Bank Transaction Summary | This report shows a summary of yesterdays bank transactions by Employee. This includes information such as summed up opening amounts, closed amounts, cash received, expected vs actual, and over/under. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and filtered by bank level details. | Summary | Accounting | Banks Bank Transactions |
Closed At |
Tax Detail | Row by row, this report lays out each tax you’ve paid and includes details such as tax rule, total amount, check #, etc. | Detail | Accounting | Checks Payments Check Items |
n/a |
Tax Summary | This report shows your taxes paid by tax rule, with details such as the number of times that tax occured, the % of the check attributable to that tax, and the total tax amount. | Summary | Accounting | Checks Payments |
n/a |
Tax Exemptions by Revenue Category | This report summarized your exempt taxes by Revenue Category. | Summary | Accounting | Checks Payments |
n/a |
Discount Detail | This report shows the details of each discount given row by row along with payment level information such as order info, check info, payment info and tax info. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and either item or sales level details. | Detail | Sales Performance | Checks Check Items Discounts |
n/a |
Discount Summary | Use this to view a summary of your aggregated discounts, organized by the discount type and the rules applied to that discount. You will see the total numbers, net discount amount, the percentages of total discounts, and product details column by column. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and discount level details. | Summary | Sales Performance | Discounts | n/a |
Product Mix Detail | This report shows the details of each product sold row by row along with payment level information such as order info, check info, payment info and tax info. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and either item or sales level details. | Detail | Sales Performance | Checks Check Items |
Ordered At |
Product Mix | Use this to view a summary of your aggregated sales numbers for each product, organized by menu items and their respective categories. You will see the total volume, net sales dollar amount, and product details column by column. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and item level details. | Summary | Sales Performance | Check Items | Ordered At |
Void Detail | This report shows the details of each void entered row by row along with void and payment level information such as the void reason, order info, check info, payment info and tax info. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and either item or sales level details. | Detail | Sales Performance | Checks Check Items Voids |
n/a |
Void Summary | Use this to view a summary of your aggregated voids, organized by the void type and reason. You will see the total numbers, net void amount, the percentages of total voids, and product details for each void column by column. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and product level details. | Summary | Sales Performance | Voids | n/a |
Sales by Server | This report shows a summary of a servers operations throughout the day. This includes information such as total covers, average revenue per cover, service charge net amount, et. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and check level details. | Summary | Sales Performance | Checks | Check > Closed At |
Modifier Detail | This report shows the details of all modifiers used row by row along with check level information such as time used, number, total sales amount, and discount amount. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and check details. | Detail | Sales Performance | Checks Check Items Check Item Modifiers |
Check > Opened At |
Modifier Summary | Use this to view a summary of your aggregated sales numbers for modifier, organized by menu items and their respective categories. You will see the total volume, net sales dollar amount, and modifier details column by column. It can be refined and filtered by location, time, and item level details. | Summary | Sales Performance | Check Items Check Item Modifiers |
Ordered At |
Sales Summary | This report provides a high level overview of your sales data by Location, Order Type, and Day Part. It includes Checks Qty, Cover Qty, Gross Sales $, Discount $, and Net Sales metrics. | Summary | Sales Performance | Checks Check Items |
Check > Closed At |
Shift Detail | This report shows details of each shift row by row. It includes employee details, total logged hours minus breaks, number of breaks, break time, and pay rate. | Detail | Labor | Shifts | n/a |
Shift Summary | This report shows payroll details of each employee, including total hours worked for all shifts (including live shifts) minus breaks, total number of breaks, total break time, and pay rate. | Summary | Labor | Shifts | n/a |